This guide describes how to deploy A2 using Google Cloud Platform (GCP)‘s Compute Engine.

Setting up GCP Compute Engine

1. Prerequisites

You need to set up a GCP project and enable the Compute Engine API. This process can be easily performed in the GCP console.

2. Creating an Instance

  1. Navigate to Compute Engine > VM instances menu.
  2. Click the CREATE INSTANCE button.
  3. Configure the following settings:
    • Name: Instance name (e.g., “a2-ce”)
    • Region: Choose a nearby region (e.g., “asia-northeast3 (Seoul)”)
    • Machine configuration > Machine type:
      • Recommend CPU 8 vCPU, memory 16GB or higher. (e.g., e2-standard-8)
    • Click the CHANGE button under Boot disk:
      • Operating system: Select “Container Optimized OS”
      • Verify that the auto-selected Version is “x86/64” architecture
      • (optional) To preserve the disk permanently, select Keep disk under SHOW ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > Deletion rule
      • click the SELECT button.
    • Firewall: Check Allow HTTP traffic and Allow HTTPS traffic
    • Expand Advanced options:
      • Networking > Network tags: Enter “a2-ce”
      • Networking > Network interfaces > Expand default > External IPv4 address: Select RESERVE STATIC EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS
        • Enter “a2-ce” for name and click RESERVE
  4. Click the “CREATE” button at the bottom of the screen to create the instance.

3. Setting up Firewall Rules

  1. Go to VPC network > Firewall menu.
  2. Click the CREATE FIREWALL RULE button.
  3. Configure the following settings:
    • Name: Specify a name for the rule (e.g., “allow-a2-ce”)
    • Targets: Select Specified target tags and enter the previously used tag (e.g., “a2-ce”)
    • Source filter: Select IPv4 ranges and enter “” (allows access from all IPs)
    • Protocols and ports: Select Specified protocols and ports, check TCP and enter ports “8000,8080”
  4. Click the “CREATE” button to create the rule.

4. Deploying Docker Image

  1. Connect to the instance using the SSH button in the GCP console.

  2. Install docker compose

    curl -s | bash
    source ~/.bashrc
    docker-compose version
  3. Create a docker-compose.yml file:

        image: { TO_BE_REPLACED }
        restart: unless-stopped
            max-file: "1"
            max-size: "512m"
          - /data:/var/a2/data
          - 8000:8000
          - 8080:8080
  4. Run docker compose:

    docker compose up -d

5. Verifying the Service

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Access http://[YOUR_STATIC_EXTERNAL_IP]:8000.
  3. Verify that the service is running normally.

Reference Images

  • settings 1
  • settings 2
  • network
  • firewall

By following this guide, you can successfully deploy A2 to GCP Compute Engine. If you need additional configuration or optimization, please refer to the GCP documentation or contact our support team anytime.